Author name: albertw


EU Action Alert: Urge Your MEP to Take a Stand for Internet Freedom

Just got this email from the EFF: Help stop the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) from steamrolling our rights and freedoms. Please contact your Member of Parliament (MEP) today and ask them to sign a Declaration that takes a stand against efforts to curb Internet freedom in ACTA. Parliamentarians must sign in person before July 8, during


Remote X displays

Another ‘damn! I keep forgetting how to do that!’ post… When you want to display something from one unix box to another there are two ways of doing it. 1. Use ssh. You need to use ‘ssh -X’ specifically which will allow X11 forwarding. ssh takes care of setting the DISPLAY variable for you. You


EFI and SUN Disk Labels

Every now and again an install on a new machine fails for me and I have to google to remember how to change the label. So this time I’m writing it down! has some information on the differences between the two formats But suffice to say that you cant install Solaris on an

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