

Updating Solaris 11 zones behind a proxy

I’ve forgotten this several times now so it’s time I wrote a short post to help me remember in future! In Solaris 11 we use the Image Packaging System to maintain the software on the system. This is written in python and uses libcurl and for non zoned systems setting the http_proxy is sufficient to […]


Helping you manage you Solaris 11 support updates

… or Overcoming Your Fear of Repositories as the OTN Garage puts it! My colleagues Glynn Foster, Pete Dennis and I have put three articles on Oracle Tech Network that we hope will help you keep your Solaris 11 systems up to date. Here’s why these documents may be of interest to you administering Soalris 11.


Converting files for ipad with ffmpeg

Works for me: ffmpeg -i INPUT -acodec aac -ac 2 -ab 160k  -vcodec libx264 -vpre iPod640 -f mp4 -strict experimental -threads 0 OUTPUT For other recipies, well, starting points anyway, see


Old computer magazines free to a good home

I’m clearing out the attic and have some old computer magazines that some of you might be interested in. Free to a good home if you can collect from me, otherwise they go to recycling. The first batch contains titles like Personal Computer News and Your Computer from around 1981-1983. The second batch are mainly

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