

Django Q function

When querying objects in django the simplest way is to use the filter() query. If we have a set of systems for example and we want to filter out those that have a SPARC architecture we could do: >>> System.objects.filter(architecture=”sparc”) And if we wanted to narrow that down to only sparc machines that use NIS […]


Running Graphical Linux/X programs on Windows 10

Windows 10 comes with a very handy Windows Subsystem for Linux. This lets you set up a linux environment (Ubuntu/SuSE/Redhat etc.) and run linux commands, use linux utilities, and interact with the windows filesystem. What it doesn’t let you do however is run graphical applications.


Python: Creating a singleton (to control an Arduino)

A while ago I was writing a tool in python to communicate with a sensor on an Arduino. The idea was to have a class for the Arduino that would hold the connection and handle the reading and writing to the serial port. However that way I needed to have the object maintain the connection

Astronomy, computing, Radio

Detecting Meteors from radio reflections

When I was in school, I remember being told that it was possible to tune an FM radio do a free frequency low in the band and during a meteor storm you could ‘hear’ when meteors struck the atmosphere as the FM signal from distant radio stations would be reflected back down from the ionised

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